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blush with中文是什么意思

用"blush with"造句"blush with"怎么读"blush with" in a sentence


  • v. 因…而脸红
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  • She blushed with shame .
  • She blushed with shame .
  • His face was aflame, even his knees seemed to blush with rage, shame, self-depreciation .
  • Its hot, said marya hendrihovna, blushing with pleasure
  • "ah, " exclaimed the young girl, blushing with delight, and fairly leaping in excess of love, " you see he has not forgotten me, for here he is !
  • But she used to struggle out of his grasp, full of indignation and blushing with shame . it disgusted her to think of him wanting to deceive a friend
  • All the town is singing their praises, and i dont know them . natasha got up and curtseyed to the magnificent countess . natasha was so delighted at the praise from this brilliant beauty that she blushed with pleasure
  • But he persisted in his demand, and at last, to get rid of him, she did put up her lips as directed for producing a clear note; laughing distressfully, however, and then blushing with vexation that she had laughed
  • But as soon as denisov smiled at him, petya beamed at once, blushed with delight, and forgetting all the formal demeanour he had been intending to preserve, he began telling him how he had ridden by the french, and how glad he was he had been given this commission, and how he had already been in a battle at vyazma, and how a certain hussar had distinguished himself in it
用"blush with"造句  
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